Saturday, 31 December 2016

Well My Project 366 Has Finished my thoughts

Taken new years eve 2016 me and Bailey who has been with me on a lot of my photos on this project.

What a year I have had doing this full on project. It has rekindled my love of photography which started many years ago when I got my first real SLR camera, a Fujica 605n a fully manual camera with one 55mm f2 lens. This is when I used to take photos for the love of photography of people and objects that I wanted to capture.

Then the photography business took off and I was being asked to do photos of portraits, wedding, commercial and events where I was always working to a brief and you forget why you started taking photos in the first place and It became that you were only taking photos for someone else and not you apart from your family holidays.

Some days the photos came very easy and others I have drove around for a hour looking for something to take, subcontracting two to three days a week for Dolphin Mobility has helped me tremendously travelling all over cumbria and yorkshire allowing my a very varied vista to take pictures of.

I decided to do calendars after several requests and there is now 12 different variations of it some have been posted as far as Australia and Canada, I also have done quite a few fine art mounted prints of various days and also framed prints of the project.

Some days I have been very low because a lot of things have happened during the year with three very close family and a close friend bereavements, this is more than anyone should really have to deal with, but I still pushed on and took photos every day. All the comments and shares likes etc, have really made it all worthwhile with some days  getting well over 100 likes and 50 comments. People have been emailing and messaging me what are we going to do when you have finished, we look forward to your daily picture to see what you have been doing,  I never imagined that when I started the project it would have been looked at by so many people and I thank you all for this it's very inspiring, I not exaggerating it hasnt been easy thing to do !!

What next? well I am looking into making an album of the year of photos because it has become more that a series of photos to me it has become a diary of my life for the year and it too much just to be on a hard drive, people don't print enough photos now so your children and grand children will have nothing to look at after you are gone.
Do it now get printing, I will also be looking into the costs of getting the book done commercially so let me know if you would be interested in a copy.

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