Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year- New Project, Roll on 2017 Project 365 Year Two.

Welcome to the New Year 2017 and the start of my new 365 project. After the response I received from the first year of doing the 366 project it got in my blood and really inspired me to do it all again, what's different you might ask!

This year I am going to use all equipment available to me including possible my mobile phone and my canon camera lens and flash guns. This will allow me to undertake a lot of different subjects that were not possible because of the Fuji X100T which I will still be using but now I will be able to use Macro and Telephoto lens which will open up wildlife photos of birds etc which just isn't really possible with the fixed 23 mm lens on the Fuji. 
I hope everyone comes along for the ride so buckle your seatbelts we are off on another adventure roll on 2017.

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