Tuesday, 2 February 2016

What I think so far

I have now done a full month of photo's for my Project 366.
Some days the photos have been very easy with loads to take photo's of and only choosing one for the project, then some days I have found it nigh on impossible, I have found myself really thinking hard about what i can still take photos of.
I don't really want to take pictures a random dented tin or the corner of a beer mat,  If you know what I mean, also the weather has been terrible most of the month.

I am wanting this to be as interesting as possible, also that the photos have some sort of meaning that in years to come I will still remember why I took that photo and if it stirs many memories as a type of photographic diary.
For one thing it has really stirred my passion again for taking photos again, I am going to try and just use one camera the Fuji X100T for the whole project.
Well that's enough for now here's to the next eleven months I hope it is still going strong only time will tell.

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