Monday, 1 April 2019

Well let's start April "Project 365" for 2019

Well let's start April "Project 365" for 2019 

Thanks everyone for the feedback of likes and comments etc, it's what kept me going and it's still getting harder by the day .Well we have started April with a sunny morning.
I nearly used the pups again as they are 7 months old today.

Here's a link to all the photos from the this year so far and the previous two years Project 365
Thanks John

Day 120 of my 365 Project 
  D.L.I. Memorial Durham Market Place.
Went to Durham today for a bit shopping it was a lovely day even an Elvis lookalike giving us a tune in the market place. Took the photo of the memorial from a different perspective to include more of the surroundings. Love it in black and white for a timeless look and used red filter to darken sky.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TLC Lens.
Details f11 ISO 400 1/450 sec exposure.

Day 119 of my 365 Project 
  Garside Railway Station.

This little station is just full of character, its like an old movie black and white movie set, but its a real place. I bet this station has many tales to tell from over the year, I just love places like this and they should be preserved for future generations to remember our heritage and our great industrial past. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/850 sec exposure.

Day 118 of my 365 Project 
 Cherry Tree Blossom
Took this photo this morning I love it when all the blossom appears on the trees especially the cherry blossom. I would love to go to Japan and see the blossom there as well as I would love to see a lot of the country.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TLC Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/220 sec exposure.

Day 117 of my 365 Project 
 Bluebell Copse
I love blue bells they are so pretty, but also so fragile apparently if you pick or trample them they wont grow again the next year. We must be more aware especially if we do bluebell portrait shoots. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with TlC Lens.
Details f4 ISO 400 1/170 sec exposure.

Day 116 of my 365 Project 
 Lovely Morning Walk Hardwick Park
Took the pups over Hardwick park this morning for a good walk, took this straight away so I could stop Lily and Luna trying to run after anything that moved, they love the park hahah.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tlc Lens.
Details f13 ISO 400 1/300 sec exposure.

Day 115 of my 365 Project 
  Old Railway Sign.
Stumbled upon this railway station on a detour home today, what a lovely little place, It was like stepping back in time. I turned the photo black and white to add to it's character.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/1000 sec exposure.

Day 114 of my 365 Project 
  Blue Bells.
Never stopped today, managed to grab a picture of a little patch of blue bells, I have seen loads this week but not able to stop to get a photo of a big patch of them but I will do this next week or so, such a beautiful little flower.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f4 ISO 400 1/350 sec exposure.

Day 113 of my 365 Project 
  Farm Track.
Trimdon Grange local photography today, it's the farm track from Olivers old farm next to the cemetery. I love the harsh light and contrasty look, I toned it for a timeless look and used a red filter and grad on sky.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/1250 sec exposure.

Day 112 of my 365 Project 
  Oil Seed Rape Flower.
Lovely day today again thats four in a row , I love the bright yellow flowers against the deep blue sky. I took this from a different low angle for a different perspective. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.

Details f4 ISO 200 1/5800 sec exposure.

Day 111 of my 365 Project 
  The Bonny Pit Lad.
Lovely day today again, I dressed the pups in their easter suits but thats another story. This is a statue at Wheatley Hill, It's a tribute to all the young men that worked at the pit between 1869 and 1968 when the pit closed. I love it in black and white.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/500 sec exposure.

Day 110 of my 365 Project 
  St Albans Trimdon Grange.
Lovely day today again, I could put up with this for a while. A photo of our own little church, In all the years of doing weddings I have never done a wedding at this church I have lost count of the christenings but no weddings which is unbelievable really after 25 years in business.  
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/160 sec exposure.

Day 109 of my 365 Project 
 Hardwick Park
The weather has been lovely today roll on the summer cant wait I love the light nights, lovely daffodil trail over Hardwick Park and it's on our doorstep.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/340 sec exposure.

Day 108 of my 365 Project 
 Sundown at Hardwick Park
Had another long day so took pups over to Hardwick Park for a walk when I got home. I love it here on an evening when its closed its lovely and quiet. Took this photo along near the cafe I also used a graduated filter on the sky to darken down the sun.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/2900 sec exposure.

Day 107 of my 365 Project 
 Lily and Luna's Bone Disposal Bandana's.
Had a long day so took pups up pit heap when I got home 1st job even before I had Tea. They are sporting their new bandana's that their mammy hooman has been buying them. Talk about getting the bairns new shoes hahah!! I'll never be able to slow down. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f4 ISO 1250 1/480 sec exposure.

Day 106 of my 365 Project 
 1937 Buick Special Sedan .
I have been down to near Ilkley today on a job and noticed this old Buick for sale at the side of the road. This reminds me so much of the old black and white films especially the old gagster ones.   
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.

Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/110 sec exposure.

Day 105 of my 365 Project 
 Hawthorn Flowers.
Such lovely flowers on the Hawthorn trees this time of the year, but how can a tree be so pretty and so deadly with thorns on the same branch.  
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f4 ISO 800 1/400 sec exposure.

Day 104 of my 365 Project 
 Pit Heap Dusk.
Lovely evening walk up the pit heap with the pups and took my camera, I love it up here its so peaceful and always lighter for a bit longer as Johnny Gunn would say 'It's still light at Kella'
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.

Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/105 sec exposure.

Day 103 of my 365 Project 
The Last Shift Wheatley Hill.
Took this photo this afternoon, Iv'e been meaning to go and see this for a while. I wasn't disappointed another lovely sculpture by 'Ray Lonsdale' full of character. Wheatley Hill Pit's last shift was 3rd May 1968. Love this in black and white.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/250 sec exposure.

Day 102 of my 365 Project 
Seaton Carew Sea Coaling.
Went to Seaton Carew this morning what a lovely day had a good walk along the beach with the pups and Kim. I noticed scene of the sea coaling men and thought that would make a good picture and capture a moment in time that no doubt will disappear as of many other jobs.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/200 sec exposure.

Day 101 of my 365 Project 
 Favourite Farm Track.
Took this photo this evening while I had Lily and Luna for a walk, I always think this is a timeless picture you could imagine an old horse and cart with a load of hay trundling up the track. I have taken farm track a couple of times every year of my projects.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/3200 sec exposure.

Day 100 of my 365 Project 
 Mary Magdalene's Trimdon Village.
Well 100 down 265 to go!! It was a beautiful night, just a reminder that summer is coming. I took this today because I want to try and catch the church in every season from a similar position but it will be more difficult once the trees have their leaves. I love the light nights and wish they wouldn't change the clocks back and forth, my dad told me about when he was young in the war years they had double summer time where the clocks went forward two hours 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/160 sec exposure.

Day 099 of my 365 Project 
 Saddler Street Durham.
Got out nice later today, I had to go to Durham this evening and took this photo of Saddler Street. I love Durham especially the old parts where you can still imagine what it would have been like hundreds of years ago.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Wcl Lens.
Details f2.8 ISO 400 1/640 sec exposure.

Day 098 of my 365 Project 
 Newport Bridge.
It's been another pretty miserable day again today, I had to go to Stockton and Middlesborough for a couple of errands so took this of the Newport Bridge while I was there. Im not sure about the new paint job though, what does everyone else think ?
Taken with Fuji X100F with Wcl Lens.
Details f7.1 ISO 400 1/550 sec exposure.

Day 097 of my 365 Project 
 Spooky Tree in The Fog.
Took this tonight I noticed this tree a while ago and had this photo in mind especially in black and white. It looks like a hollow head with outstretched arms. I have added grain for extra effect.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Wcl Lens.
Details f4 ISO 800 1/1900 sec exposure.

Day 096 of my 365 Project 
 Pit Heap Signpost Close up.
Photo of the lovely wood carving of the signpost for the pit heap walkway. I go up there most days with the pups it a lovely walk.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Wcl Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/105 sec exposure.

Day 095 of my 365 Project 
 Backlit Daffodils.
Lovely evening walk up the pit heap with the pups noticed a few time there is a few daffodils in the clearing. Tonight they were backlit by the low sun, I love the fact the light nights are coming.   
Taken with Fuji X100F with Wcl Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/105 sec exposure.

Day 094 of my 365 Project 
 Lily and Luna.
The pups are seven month old now, and I took for the first time tonight to the fishing pond down the village fields, it was quite windy but still nice. We will defiantly have to have another look down here another time but on a morning and pick a calmer day.  
Taken with Fuji X100F with Wcl Lens.
Details f2.8 ISO 200 1/420 sec exposure.

Day 093 of my 365 Project 
 Showing the Way.
Well today started with snow-sleet then it got out sunny like a summers day still cold though. Took this photo of the old signpost  at the bottom of Trimdon Village I always think it look quaint.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 250 1/900 sec exposure.

Day 092 of my 365 Project 
 Seat with a view
It's been a long day today had a full round robin of the lakes, I took this while I was over there today. I love the snow cap on top of Blencathra it was lovely and clear with big fluffy clouds and blue skies but very cold.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Wcl Lens.

Details f16 ISO 200 1/150 sec exposure.

Day 091 of my 365 Project 
 Durham Cathedral from Pre Bends Bridge.
Took this photo of the Cathedral and the river from Prebends Bridge looking downstream towards Framwellgate Bridge, I never tire of Durham its such a beautiful city. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tcl Lens.

Details f10 ISO 200 1/300 sec exposure.