Friday, 1 March 2019

Well let's start March "Project 365" for 2019

Well let's start March "Project 365" for 2019 

Thanks everyone for the feedback of likes and comments etc, it's what kept me going it's getting harder by the day but I will battle on. Well we started March with a dull flat wet sort of day February started with snow and this time last year we had the beast from the east. I nearly used the pups again as they are 6 months old today.

Here's a link to all the photos from the this year so far and the previous two years Project 365
Thanks John

Day 090 of my 365 Project 
River Cottage Durham.
Took this photo this afternoon, I have seen this cottage several times and it always looks lovely. This cottage was built in the 1770's the same time as the present 'Prebends Bridge" where the toll master lived.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/240 sec exposure.

Day 089 of my 365 Project 
Appleby Train Station.
Took this photo of Appleby railway station I love the old stations in Cumbria, I think they must of all being designed built by the same company because they're all very similar.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/90 sec exposure.

Day 088 of my 365 Project 
Eden Vally.
Took this photo of the lovely Eden Vally, I love this view it changes massively throughout the seasons, it looked especially lovely today.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tcl Lens.
Details f16 ISO 400 1/90 sec exposure.

Day 087 of my 365 Project 
Laurel and Hardy Statue.
Took this photo of the lovely Laurel and Hardy Statue outside thier museum in Ulveston, Iv'e seen the statue quiet a few times but never managed to stop. The likeness is uncanny, and a fond memory of my childhood watching them on the television.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tcl Lens.
Details f4 ISO 400 1/1100 sec exposure.

Day 086 of my 365 Project 
Durham Castle and Cathedral.
Took this photo from Wharton Park this afternoon, there isn't so much scaffolding on the tower now. I have been to Durham quite a bit lately so possibly some more photos of Durham to come
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tcl Lens.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/105 sec exposure.

Day 085 of my 365 Project 
Durham City.
I have always loved this street in Durham looking towards the train viaduct lovely big houses. It must have been a great sight to see without all the cars.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/250 sec exposure.

Day 084 of my 365 Project 
Pussy Willow.
I took this photo of this pussy willow, I haven't seen any for years I'm sure its been growing every year but haven't done that much walking again until I got the pups as our Bailey wasn't that interested in going very far in his later years.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f4 ISO 400 1/320 sec exposure.

Day 083 of my 365 Project 
Sunset Hurworth Burn Reservoir.
Ive been busy all day when I got home took the pups to Hurworth Burn just as the sun was going down. It was a lovely night with all the birds singing and on our doorstep 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/1500sec exposure.

Day 082 of my 365 Project 
Sunset Hardwick Park.
Lovely finish to a busy day, the birds were singing their heads off tonight 'Here comes summer' as Jerry Keller would sing....
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f5.6 ISO 800 1/110 sec exposure.

Day 081 of my 365 Project 
Durham at Night.
Took this at Durham tonight, I cannot wait for all the scaffolding to come off the cathedral tower. I still cannot get over what we have on our doorstep, this is a long exposure shot to make the water look like cotton wool in places.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f8 ISO 200 30 sec exposure.

Day 080 of my 365 Project 
Cumbrian Sea View.
Love a nice sea view, deserted estuary beach could spend an hour or two here just listening to the sea, what about you?
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/640 sec exposure.

Day 079 of my 365 Project 
Trimdon View.
Had a walk down the old railway lines towards Coxhoe this afternoon and I love view of the fields up towards the village. I don't think this has changed for decades and spring has definitely sprung today up to 16 degrees.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/640 sec exposure.

Day 078 of my 365 Project 
Hardwick Hall Hotel.
I managed to get 'Lily and Luna' over to the park tonight for a walk, and they both had a quick dip into the pond and enjoying running around. I noticed the Hardwick bathed in the warm light of the Lovely sunset tonight set off with the blanket daffodils.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/120 sec exposure.

Day 077 of my 365 Project 
Hardwick Park Evening Stroll.
I love it when its quiet at Hardwick Park with just the pups for company, you hear lots of different birds singing. I cannot understand people walking round the park with earphones in when you have natures own orchestra playing for free. I love the bridge over the serpentine and dependant on how still the water is you sometimes get a lovely mirror reflection in the river.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f2.8 ISO 400 1/150 sec exposure.

Day 076 of my 365 Project 
Spring Daffodils.
Well the forecast was totally wrong again today, sometimes it was a lovely spring day the other time rain, got caught in it twice with the pups. You know summer is just around the corner what the daffodils are out.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.

Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/210 sec exposure.

Day 075 of my 365 Project 
Sunset Tree.
Did a few odd jobs today, the forecast was heavy snow on afternoon and night but that didn't come to pass and we had a nice sunset, you just cant trust the weatherman.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.

Details f11 ISO 200 1/125 sec exposure.

Day 074 of my 365 Project 
Infinity Bridge.
Been busy most of the day, popped out tonight to get some bits at Stockton and called around to see the bridge, taken form a different viewpoint for a change.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f11 ISO 200 2.6 sec exposure.

Day 073 of my 365 Project 
House in the spooky woods.
Took this spooky picture today, on the way to Cumbria at the top of Kirkby Stephen. I have seen it loads of times so pulled over today to take it. Which path would you take ?? you cannot see them very good in the summer when all the leaves are on the trees. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f4 ISO 400 1/240 sec exposure.

Day 072 of my 365 Project 
Time for a rest.
Im loving the light nights coming in, I managed to get to Hardwick Park with the pups for a good 45 minutes while still light enough for a good walk through the trees. I love the bench at the end of the path just right to sit and think about things. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f2.8 ISO 400 1/120 sec exposure.

Day 071 of my 365 Project 
Brougham Castle
I have been over Cumbria a miserable cold and wet day got out quite nice at times with a couple of bursts of sunshine. Took this photo of the ruined 13th century Brougham Castle near Penrith. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/750 sec exposure.

Day 070 of my 365 Project 
Art Deco Sparks Bakery.
Had to go to Stockton and called via the old 'Sparks' bakery which was built in 1938. I have always loved the look and the style of this building. I love it in even more in black and white.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/640 sec exposure.

Day 069 of my 365 Project 
Favourite Horse Sedgefield
Been a pretty miserable day cold and wet, but with a couple of bursts of sunshine. I went over to Hardwick Park this morning with the pups and took this topiary piece on the way home, I think it looks good this year with the daffodils.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f4 ISO 500 1/340 sec exposure.

Day 068 of my 365 Project
New Sculpture Sedgefield. 

I have been waiting for a nice sunny day to get a photo of these lovely sculptured near to the Netpark at Sedgefield. I think they are so different well done.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f9 ISO 200 1/140 sec exposure.

Day 067 of my 365 Project 
St Edmunds Church Sedgefield.
It was a nice start to the day but cold, turning grey later in the day. I took photo this afternoon at Sedgefield Church, It always looks lovely when the daffodils come out.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 250 1/120 sec exposure.

Day 066 of my 365 Project
Glady's Tea Rooms Seaton. 
Its been a pretty miserable sort of day for the weather, took this photo of the vintage tea room and made it black and white then toned it for more effect.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f8 ISO 640 1/640 sec exposure.

Day 065 of my 365 Project 
Lily and Luna's New Bandana's
Took this photo on my phone this afternoon near our home, I haven't been very far struggling with really bad 'Man Flu' and bad chest too... so only took pups just around the block. Elaine had been out and bought them two new bandanas, so I couldn't resist a little pose with the two little catwalk models.
Samsung Phone 

Day 064 of my 365 Project 
Trimdon Village Church.
I took today of our beautiful local church, Im under the weather with man flu, bad chest and aching all over there's a song in there somewhere. I'm going to take a photo of the four seasons from the same place. The 1st photo is day 32 with snow on the ground.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f6.4 ISO 250 1/450 sec exposure.

Day 063 of my 365 Project
Farm Sign Revisited. 
I took this tonight down Hurworth Burn the sky was very strange. I first took a photo of this sign 19th January 2016 on my first project, its a quite a bit more weathered now and even more interesting. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f5 ISO 400 1/480 sec exposure.

Day 062 of my 365 Project
I do like to be beside the seaside. 
Took this picture of the coast, I couldnt imagine living a long way from the sea and think I take it for granted. I love the old timbers on the beach and the way the sea groynes lead into the sea as if they are on guard duty
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f9 ISO 400 1/170 sec exposure.

Day 061 of my 365 Project 
Cloud Patterns.
Took this today when we called at the Aviator cafe for a coffee. I took this on the way back out I thought I could see something in the clouds what do you see ??.
Turned black and white it shows more contrast.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Details f5 ISO 400 1/200 sec exposure.

Day 060 of my 365 Project 
Old Billingham Signal Box.
Been pretty miserable all day today, totally different to the last few days. Took this photo of the old Billingham Signal box and did it black and white and toned it you could think it was a 100 years ago.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Acros Film Simulation.
Details f5 ISO 400 1/200 sec exposure.