Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Well Let's Start This New Project 365 for 2019 Lets Hope it's a good one !!

Well let's start this new "Project 365" for 2019 
Lets hope it's a good one !!
Im really looking forward to feedback etc, it's what kept me going when I dd the previous two years.
Thanks John

Day 031 of my 365 Project 
Lonely Tree.
Well 1st month over I hoped everyone have enjoyed seeing the photos again this year I must admit it hasn't been easy. I love the way the little drainage waterway leads your eye into the tree in the picture. I have used a red filter to darken the blue sky against the big white fluffy clouds taken, I love this in black and white.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/125 sec exposure.

Day 030 of my 365 Project 
Canal View Yorkshire.
Lovely day in Yorkshire today took this photo of the Knottingley and Goole canal by the look of the photo you would think it was a summers day but it was a bitter 4 degrees 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/160 sec exposure.

Day 029 of my 365 Project 
Marching Pylons.
Been travelling again today, seen some snow at cumbria and plenty of rain too. Took this today on the way to Stockton via the back roads. I love pylons I know some people hate them too, but I like the symmetry of them and love this in black and white.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/125 sec exposure.

Day 028 of my 365 Project 
My Three Trees.
Been freezing today again but not too bad in the sun with the wind blowing behind you. These trees are near my home and I always love seeing them from the top of the watch bank.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f4 ISO 400 1/1700 sec exposure.

Day 027 of my 365 Project 
Light at the start of the day on Route 66.
Took this on the way over the A66, it was a strange bright and foggy morning at different sides of the road looking lovely with a dusting of snow. Anyone who travels this road regularly will have seen it before like this. I noticed the scene through my mirrors so pulled over for a better shot p.s. it was freezing.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Velvia Film Simulation

Details f11 ISO 400 1/800 sec exposure.

Day 026 of my 365 Project 
Whitby Pier.
Been a pretty miserable day today but it is January. Turned this photo black and white for the timeless feel to the image and added some grain for the more filmic look.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f5.6 ISO 800 1/25 sec exposure.

Day 025 of my 365 Project 
My Favourite Tree.
Had the pups out this afternoon for a walk down the village fields right on time for the golden hour. They had already been washed from their morning walk and were filthy again oops. I love this tree its the last one to get its leaves and always the first to shed them in the autumn.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f4 ISO 400 1/450 sec exposure.

Day 024 of my 365 Project
Scarborough Freddie Gilroy. 
I have been down Yorkshire again today and my last job was in Bridlington so I took the scenic route along Scarborough sea front. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Velvia Film Simulation
Details f10 ISO 400 1/60 sec exposure.

Day 023 of my 365 Project 
Lovely Day at Thirlmere Cumbria.
I have been over Cumbria today and it was beautiful snowy covered mountains and mirror like reflections in some of the lakes. Took this is a stitched panoramic photo of Thirlmere Iv'e never seen it as still as this before what a beautiful winter landscape if I say so myself.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TLC Lens. 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/220 sec exposure.

Day 022 of my 365 Project 
Lovely Day in York.
Took this photo in York today of the Lendal Bridge, the work on the bridge began in 1810 and took 11 years till it was finished. It's been a lovely and sunny day but still very cold but it was nice and warm in the car.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f16 ISO 200 1/100 sec exposure.

Day 021 of my 365 Project 
Wild Grass at Hardwick Park.
Had the pups out again and this is something different for my photo of the day. I must admit it was a lot easier taking photos with Bailey in tow he did stand still while I took a shot. I love the sun in the background of the tall grass, still dreaming of the warmer days
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/750 sec exposure. -0.67

Day 020 of my 365 Project 
Winter Sunset at Hardwick Park.
I took 'Lily and Luna' over to the park later this afternoon for a walk and followed the fading light looking for a photo of the day. I saw this scene and I must thank the lady that stopped her children and waited while I took the photo. This is called "Bono Retiro" there are also several memorial plague and is a very peaceful area of the park.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f4 ISO 800 1/170 sec exposure. -0.67

Day 019 of my 365 Project
Traffic at Night. 
Took this tonight at Sedgefield the racecourse roundabout, love the mist that added to the haze around the street lights. It has been cold most of the day, it hasn't really got light at all if you know what I mean.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Velvia Film Simulation
Details f11 ISO 200 30 sec exposure.

Day 018 of my 365 Project 
Winter Sunset Saltburn Pier.
How tranquil is this setting late evening middle of winter dreaming of the summer. It was really cold but the sky was lovely, people were still walking back and forth along the pier. The pier was first opened in 1869, people were surfing they must have had thermal wet suits as it was just above freezing when I got back into the car!!
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f16 ISO 200 1/4 sec exposure.

Day 017 of my 365 Project 
End of our Street.
1st snow of the year today a little flurry the pups were ok with it I don't think Luna even noticed with her built in fur coat. I took this photo this afternoon when on the way home after a walk with the pups. I never get sick of this view especially in the winter months when the sun always sets inline with the road. It often brightens the dullest days in the winter. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f2.8 ISO 400 1/340 sec exposure.

Day 016 of my 365 Project 
Herdwick Sheep.
I have been over Cumbria again today and took this while on the way to Torver via Coniston, I took a little detour and loved it. I have never been that way before which is a surprise the amounts of times I have been over there, you never know there is surprises everyday. While I was there I asked the sheep about Brexit but couldn't get any sense off them either must be politicians !! 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. 
Details f4 ISO 400 1/250 sec exposure.

Day 015 of my 365 Project 
Grazing Sheep.
I have been over Cumbria today and took this while on the way to Kendal weather has been overcast most of the day but mild for the time of the year. Love this in sepia it makes the photo more timeless it could be a 100 years ago.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Sepia Toned 
Details f8 ISO 200 1/150 sec exposure.

Day 014 of my 365 Project 
Last Years Crumpled Leaves.
Weather has been quite good today for the time of year, I had to take pups to vets for the check, so called over the park and took this photo of these old crumpled leaves, I love the contrast against the lovely blue sky, roll on spring for some new growth and warmer days.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Velvia Film Simulation

Details f4 ISO 200 1/150 sec exposure.

Day 013 of my 365 Project
Phone photo of the moon. 
Took this tonight using my telescope, I haven't had this out for a couple of years, 1st time with my phone over the eyepiece to take a picture not brilliant but I took it today and its different. I must get a proper camera mount for my telescope.
Taken with Samsung S9, Telescope Schmidt-Cassegrain 127mm

Day 012 of my 365 Project
The Dovecote my favourite local pub. 
Took this tonight of my local, this place takes on a whole new appearance at night. Ive been out and about all day very mild for the time of the year. I must admit Im often in here to sample the fine drinks and atmosphere....
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Velvia Film Simulation
Details f8 ISO 200 20 sec exposure.

Day 011 of my 365 Project 
Seaton Carew Bus Station.
I have always loved this building, it was built by Thomas Mowbray Stonehouse in 1938 in the Art Deco style, the structure made architectural history with the first use of curved concrete. It was officially opened on 29th June 1938. I took this today when we went to Seaton for some fish and chips for lunch they were lovely too. Love this in black and white it makes the photo more timeless.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Acros Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/250 sec exposure.

Day 010 of my 365 Project 
Mirror Lake.
Iv'e been over Cumbria today the weather was very changeable today from thick fog to a bit of clear sky and everything in between. I have been past Bessenthwaite Lake hundreds of times in the last five years and on very rare occasions its like a mirror, today was like that. Love this in black and white especially for the contrast and sky.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Acros Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/150 sec exposure.

Day 009 of my 365 Project
Scarborough Ferris Wheel. 
I noticed a lot of colour in the sky late this afternoon as I was travelling home through Scarborough. I love the big wheel on the edge of the pier on the sea front, lovely setting, lovely end to the day.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Velvia Film Simulation

Details f9 ISO 400 1/400 sec exposure.

Day 008 of my 365 Project 
Lily and Luna.
Had a long day today been to Hull area and it was late when I got back. I then took pups out for a walk so when I got back I took this photo of the pups they're so cute and they are changing so quickly
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Provia Film Simulation

Details f2.2 ISO 3200 1/180 sec exposure.

Day 007 of my 365 Project 
Light at the end of the day.
Took this at the back of the Hardwick Arms Sedgefield this afternoon. The weather has been pretty miserable all day but it got out a bit later in the afternoon. These fields remind me of the many dinner times when we were down the village while we were at school.
1 week down 51 to go.....
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tcl Lens. Velvia Film Simulation

Details f8 ISO 200 1/220 sec exposure.

Day 006 of my 365 Project 
Seaton Carew Beach.
Took the pups to Seaton today, they loved it took this while we were there, the old wooden stumps must have been some sort of jetty, walkway or small pier not sure if anyone one knows?
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tcl Lens. Velvia Film Simulation

Details f8 ISO 320 1/340 sec exposure.

Day 005 of my 365 Project 
Our Daisy.
Took this photo of Daisy while she was in back of the car an impromptu portrait (the best type) while she was looking at her phone. She growing up fast now 12 years old next month....
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tcl Lens. Acros Film Simulation.
Details f2 ISO 800 1/100 sec exposure.

Day 004 of my 365 Project 
Through The Worm Hole.
Been to Middlesbrough today a bit shopping for Daisy. While Elaine took Dasiy to shops I escaped and had a look around then took the 'Temenos' scupture again from a different angle. I quite like the sculpture it reminds me of a sci fi drawing of a worm hole.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Acros Film Simulation and Red Filter

Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/1000 sec exposure.

Day 003 of my 365 Project 
Stormy Sea Hartlepool Headland.
Took this of Hartlepool Headland, the sea was quite rough as the tide was nearly fully in. I love the power of the sea and the waves hitting the Hough, I could watch it all day.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Tcl Lens. Turn Black and White - Acros Film Simulation
Details f15.6 ISO 400 1/900 sec exposure.

Day 002 of my 365 Project 
Dreaming of the Summer.
Elaine wanted to pop to Hartlepool this morning, so I took a detour along to Seaton Carew. I knew the light would be quite harsh this morning as the sun was low in the winter sky, I thought about a silhouette photo so took this of the seafront promenade it was only 3 degrees, but on the photo you could think it was the summer.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Turn Black and White - Acros Film Simulation

Details f16 ISO 200 1/1400 sec exposure.

Day 001 of my 365 Project 
Copse on the Hill Nr Windlestone.
1st Photo of my new project, took this photograph this afternoon because of the tranquilly of the little copse on the hill side and small lake a haven for wildlife especially the birds. I love the high contrast of the clouds against the light fields it looked like it was going to pour down.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens. Turn Black and White - Acros Film Simulation

Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/200 sec exposure.