Wednesday, 1 November 2017

November start of month eleven and the clock have gone back .... again...

November, start of month eleven and the clocks have gone back.... again for another year.

Thank you all for the continued comments and likes that you all have contributed on Facebook and Instagram it has really been the driving force that does really keep me going for the last 22 months
I have been already started selling calendars for 2018 so if you fancy one don't hesitate to get in touch.
Keep all the Likes and comments coming see you in December.
Thanks again John.

Day 334 
of my 365 Project
St Albans Church at Night.
Well winter came to Trimdon today just in time for December, out and about a bit today so i'm pleased I have snow tyres on the Berlingo. Took this tonight of our church at Trimdon Grange Iove it with a covering of snow at night, it's also the first time we have any snow on it for a while. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f8 ISO 400 6 sec exposure.

Day 333 of my 365 Project
Topiary Horse Sedgefield Racecourse.
Well got stuck on the A1M for 3 hours today so had to rearrange all appointment for Cumbria took this of the horse at sedgefield.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f4.5 ISO 200 1/70 sec exposure. 

Day 332 of my 365 Project
Sunset Copse.
I have been over to Cumbria today quite a nice day over there but cold, I took this on the way home when I was chasing the light. I could see there might be a good sunset and it was brilliant. Could be one of my  favorites, you cannot beat a sunset I might even design a calendar full of them.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/80 sec exposure. 

Day 331 of my 365 Project
Last light of the day.
I have been out delivery some more calendars today, I then had a little ride out looking for a photo. Came across this lovely tranquil scene of the backlit grazing sheep with their fleeces glowing in the setting sun on the show field at the back of the hardwick arms looking towards station road at Sedgefield.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f7.1 ISO 200 1/600 sec exposure. 

Day 330 of my 365 Project
Great Stainton Church.
Had a little ride out this afternoon for a hour or so, I wanted to take a photo of this church hidden in the trees for a while I think it's so pretty. Today the sun was setting behind the church and showing the church better than normal.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f5 ISO 800 1/125 sec exposure. 

Day 329 of my 365 Project
Last few Leaves.
Took this close up photo on the pit heap while out with Bailey, the last few leaves  in the backlit low winter sun. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Simulation,Details f6.4 ISO 800 1/280 sec exposure. 

Day 328 of my 365 Project
Sunset at the end of our Street.
Took this sunset end of our street, I just love this view at this time of the year. Or I nearly forgot I got the light up on Bruce the Spruce the Trimdon One. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f8 ISO 200 1/100 sec exposure.

Day 327 of my 365 Project
Pit Heap New Wooden Signpost.
Took Bailey out this afternoon onto the pit heap and noticed the new carved wooden sign to mark the woodland path. This is a lovely work of art showing a miner at the bottom and some ferns and mushrooms in the middle finished off at the top with a squirrel and a bird. There is also another different marker at the other path onto the heap which is just as pretty but not as ornate.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/75 sec exposure.

Day 326 of my 365 Project
Hadley Road.
I have been to the NEC today for an exhibition, great change saw some old faces and a good catch up. Travelled back to one of my favourite hotels for a good curry the "Edgbaston Palace" in Birmingham. Took this at the road side for my photo of the day love the traffic trails.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f16 ISO 200 13 sec exposure.

Day 325 of my 365 Project
Bowes Museum at Night.
I have been over Cumbria today but the weather was terrible,
today it was foggy and rained all day the lot really a typical November over the lakes. Turned off at Barnard castle to get some diesel and noticed the museum was lit up tonight. So called around and took this photo.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f8 ISO 200 27 sec exposure. +2.5 stops

Day 324 of my 365 Project
Hardwick Park Late Autumn.
Called over to Hardwick Park today, it's been quite wet today but the weathers a bit warmer than the weekend. The tree colours were lovely today I think the colours were brighter because the leaves were all wet. Took this of the tree lined path near the cafe you could be anywhere.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/40 sec exposure.

Day 323 of my 365 Project
Seaton Carew.
Did the Hardwick Hall wedding open day today, and booked up another wedding for next year at this lovely venue. Had a quick ride to take this as the sun was setting at Seaton, I could quite fancy living on this part of the seafront, would have to win the lottery like.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Grad Filter on Sky
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f8 ISO 200 1/1250 sec exposure.

Day 322 of my 365 Project
Different View of the Transporter Bridge.
Took Elaine and Kim to Middlesborough today for shopping, I escaped and had a look about for a photo. I have never been over the river on the transporter bridge before. The light was lovely today and I love this view of the bridge something totally different. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with WCL Lens.
Grad Filter on Sky
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f9 ISO 200 1/1250 sec exposure.

Day 321 of my 365 Project
Twilight at Infinity Bridge.
Out and about today and went to Stockton tonight, I called to Wick's and thought it would be a good time to catch a photo of the bridge. Love the reflection in the Tees.
Taken with Fuji X100F with WCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f10 ISO 200 30 sec exposure. 

Day 320 of my 365 Project
Windermere Sunset.
Took a little detour on the way home tonight as the sky looked promising. I called into Ambleside and took this just as the sun was going down. Captured this young couple near the lakes edge I think they addd extra interest to the photo. Lovely and quiet there for a change, not a tourist insight. Well worth the detour.
Taken with Fuji X100F with WCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f10 ISO 200 1/300 sec exposure. 

Day 319
 of my 365 Project
Marching Pylons at High Noon.
I have been busy editing today, printing and binding more calendars. I had to go out so took this photo near Stockton, I have seen the scene many times but today I loved the way the clouds were like cotton wool and the high contrast silhouette the pylons make and in the sun, I darkened the sky and turned it black and white for a more dramatic photo.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Grad Filter on Sky
Acros Film Simulation,
Details f8 ISO 200 1/3500 sec exposure.

Day 318 of my 365 Project
Raining Day in Cumbria.
I have been over Cumbria today never stopped raining really come across the tree lined road with all the leaves like a blanket around the tree roots
Taken with Fuji X100F with STD Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f4 ISO 1600 1/100 sec exposure.

Day 317 of my 365 Project
Newport Bridge Middlesborough.
I have been out delivering calendars today and picking up some mounts for a couple of framing jobs. Took this of the bridge on the way home love it with the darkened sky and turned it black and white for a more dramatic photo.
Taken with Fuji X100F with WCL Lens.Grad Filter on Sky
Acros Film Simulation,
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/70 sec exposure.


Day 316 of my 365 Project
I couldn't make the Remembrance service this morning so I called over to Sedgefield this afternoon to look for a photo of the day I took this of the little wooden memorial crosses outside of the church.  
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
At the going down of the sun and in the morning 
We will remember them"
Taken with Fuji X100F with WCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f16 ISO 200 1/40 sec exposure.  

Day 315 of my 365 Project
Childhood Memories.
Took this of theses backlit sycamore leaves in my old school, this is the play yard around the back of the school which was ours when we became juniors. Took this as the sun was setting this afternoon, it reminded me of the many good times we had at this school with the on set of winter, and the dark nights. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/2500 sec exposure.  

Day 314 of my 365 Project
Infinity Bridge Stockton.
Been busy most of day had a delivery of a bulk box of DVD style calendars for a customer that I have done quite a bit of work with this year. Went to Stockton to get some DIY stuff and it was just getting dusk so looked for a different angle to take the infinity bridge used a grad filter on the sky.
Taken with Fuji X100F with WCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f4.5 ISO 400 1/600 sec exposure. 

Day 313 of my 365 Project
Fungi to be With.
Took this of some Fungus on the side of a tree. Not sure what it is but it looks pretty. Not long now until I finish my second year, of this project, its been really enjoyable some days but just as frustrating others but if it was an easy thing to do everyone would do one.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation,
Details f3.6 ISO 1600 1/110 sec exposure. 

Day 312 of my 365 Project
Neigh Idea.
Took Bailey out for a walk this evening and the horses came to see us, took this one, lovely evening but very cold.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Astia Film Simulation.
Details f4 ISO 800 1/600 sec exposure.

Day 311 of my 365 Project
Power Lines into the Sunset .
Been busy all day today had a few technical issues with my main printer but its up and running again now phew!! I noticed the lovely sunset tonight, it's always better in the winter months I just managed to get here for the shot I love this photo.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f3.2 ISO 400 1/60 sec exposure.

Day 310 of my 365 Project
My Home Village.
Been out for new curtains today with Elaine, little ride down hartlepool, took Bailey out nice and sunny but cold, you can see my house on here with the holly bush.
Taken with Fuji X100F with STD Lens.
Velvia Simulation,
Details f8 ISO 200 1/420 sec exposure.

309 of my 365 Project 2017
Kim and John Pre-Wedding Shoot.
Took my daughter Kim and John for their pre-wedding shoot this morning at Hardwick Park. We had a good laugh if a little strange tell your daughter to kiss a man in front of you. The light was lovely but it was very cold well I suppose this will get them acclimatised for their christmas wedding next month hahaha. Heres a photo from the shoot, I will be doing a full post later on. 
Taken with Canon 6D

 Day 308 of my 365 Project
Sycamore in Symmetry.
Done a couple of pruning jobs this morning for Dad and a tip run with the trimmings. Took Bailey out this afternoon up the pit heap it was lovely nice and sunny, noticed this little sapling only about 300mm tall with these leaves making this lovely pattern set against the blanket of old leaves on the ground. 
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Pro Neg Hi Simulation,Details f2.8 ISO 1600 1/125 sec exposure. 

307 of my 365 Project
St Edmunds church Sedgefield
Done a bit of editing and done my books up to date, I must do this at least once a week not every two months... Called over Sedgefield today as the leaves have dropped just enough to give you a lovely view of the church and the graveyard a lovely covering of leaves.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Pro Neg High Simulation,
Details f4 ISO 400 1/350 sec exposure.

Day 306 of my 365 Project
Sunset For Sale Grange Terrace
I have been doing the lovely wedding of Emily and Matthew at Middleton Lodge, back tonight for the 1st dance etc. Took this this afternoon while I had bailey out I love this view you only get a sunset here this time of year and this is one of the better ones.
Taken with Fuji X100F with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation, Grad Filter
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/160 sec exposure. -1 stop

Day 305 of my 365 Project
Sunset on Route 66 (well A66) 
Been over Cumbria today and took this on the way home along the A66. I noticed the sky was looking promising for a sunset at Penrith, so I pulled over at Temple Sowerby to get this shot I do love a good sunset. It always nice to start a new month with a bright colourful picture.
Taken with Fuji X100F with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation, Grad Filter

Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/160 sec exposure.