Friday, 1 September 2017

September Start of Autumn

Well the project marches on into the ninth month now, won't be long till I start producing calendars from this and last years photos.
Im still really enjoying doing it and it has been easier this year by using all of my camera equipment. I might get to try out my new camera next week fingers crossed whatch this space.

Day 273 of my 365 Project 2017
Horse Chestnuts - Gort Helmets.
Been out and about today took Dad for his flu jab 1st, then a bacon sandwich for breakfast. Then went to the boro noticed that all the conkers trees were laden never seen so many. These were splitting on the tree I think these ones look the same as one of my all time favorite movie character "Gort" from the day the earth stood still (black and white version), Or and forgot also ordered a new camera should be here Tuesday can't wait.
Taken with Fuji X100T with std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 800 1/160 second exposure. 

Day 272 of my 365 Project 2017
Newcastle Swing Bridge.
Did another photoshoot this morning with Rachael from Blake Jewellery, some more beautiful new pieces to add to the range. Did quite a lot of editing and also delivered another set of wedding photos to another happy couple. Out for a lovely early evening meal with the in-laws to be, then went for a ride out for a photo took this of the Millennium Bridge in Newcastle. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 20 second exposure. 

Day 271 of my 365 Project 2017
William Lloyd Wharton Statue.
Did a lot of editing yesterday even doing an all night edit till 5.30 am to catch up with  jobs, only one wedding to do now. Dropped off some photos and a memory stick from a recent wedding, then took Elaine to Durham for a bit of shopping. We called up Wharton park and I noticed this statue must be new ? Took it against the harsh light with a silhouette in mind toned it too.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/1100 second exposure. 

 Day 270 of my 365 Project 2017
I had to take Dad to doctors today for a minor op (he's fine dont worry) While my sister took him in the Doctors I had a look around and stumbled on these toadstools in sedgefield churchyard. Two wet knees later I got this shot using mobile as a secure base to put the camera on. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Astia Film Simulation.Macro Setting.
Details f11 ISO 400 1/20 second exposure. 

Day 269 of my 365 Project 2017
Serpentine Bridge.
Been out and about on a couple of jobs today, a photo job and another for Skerne Mobility at Durham. I have also been out delivery calendars and called to take this of the lovely bridge in hardwick park, and I love the reflection it makes in the water. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Classic Chrome Film Simulation.
Details f3.2 ISO 400 1/50 second exposure. 

Day 268 of my 365 Project 2017
Raindrop Flowers.
Haven't been far today please I didnt have any weddings today what an awful day. Been stuck in the office burnt the candle at bit went to bed at 4am this morning so I could get photos finished off the Oyster and Oktoberfest Festivals. Popped out with Bailey this afternoon in the rain and took this of this beautiful flower at the end of the street. Dont know what it is Im no gardener
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens. Macro Setting
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/110 second exposure. 

Day 267 of my 365 Project 2017
Backlit Old Leaves.
Never stopped since Friday morning 1st the brilliant Oyster Festival on Friday, then a lovely wedding yesterday. When I returned on the night to Hardwick Hall for the 1st dance, then straight after I went to cover the Oktoberfest what a great friendly atmosphere, I was in there till late, I've been busy what a great weekend. So today had a relaxing couple of hours for a ride out, then took Bailey out this afternoon and noticed these few leaves how they are giving their last show of brilliant colour before they drop off the tree.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens. Macro Setting
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 800 1/280 second exposure. 

Day 266 of my 365 Project 2017
Vicky and Conial Wedding
This is a photo from Vicky and Conial's lovely wedding today at Hardwick Hall. Vicky booked me about a year ago and it has flown over. I love the change in the seasons and especially autumn the colours are really starting to show now, today has been very overcast but at least it stopped dry and was better than the forecast.
Taken with Canon 6d 
Details f4 ISO 160 1/400 sec exposure.

Day 265 of my 365 Project 2017
Tony Hadley Band 2017 Oyster Festival.
I have been doing the Oyster Festival again today at Hardwick Hall, this my 10th year where does the time go. Tony Hadley and his band were the headline act playing to around 1300 people all attending the festival and he was in great voice again. The Oyster Festival is a big charity event day and raises money for the Butterwick Hospice at Stockton. I took this when they had just finished their set, look at how many people are behind them.
Taken with Canon 6d 
Details f5.6 ISO 1600 1/200 sec exposure.

Day 264 of my 365 Project 2017
Sunset at Fishburn Pit Wheel
Been busy all day editing and looking forward to tomorrow's oyster festival at Hardwick Hall. I popped out tonight chasing the light as project is called. The sky was unbelievable tonight it was a lovely sunset so took this photo of the memorial at Fishburn as it was bathed in the coloured sky. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 250 1/40 second exposure. 

Day 263 of my 365 Project 2017
Autumnal Leaves
I haven't been far today quite a bit of editing and designing the 2018 calendars. I took Bailey out at lunchtime and took this on the pit heap there is certains trees that always change first, love the change in the season never ceases to remind me of younger days looking for conkers and roast potatoes around the camp fires before bonnie night.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 1250 1/420 second exposure. 

Day 262 of my 365 Project 2017
Tyne Bridge
I went on a ride out to Blyth tonight to check on some camera equipment with one of my mates. Called back via the quayside at Newcastle lovely night to take photos not too cold, I love the neon lights on the boat and the reflections, it was great not having to drive so i could have a look around.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 25 second exposure. 

Day 261 of my 365 Project 2017
Durham Castle and Framwellgate Bridge
I took this down by the river looking up at the castle, it so peaceful here loads of ducks, herons and the odd seagull. Durham has so many lovely views, streets, bridges and different styles of buildings I could make a calendar just of Durham. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f4 ISO 400 1/2900 second exposure. 

Day 260 of my 365 Project 2017
Trifid Silhouette.
What a weekend never stopped Learning Curve ball Friday night. Two Weddings yesterday, Kim finished the 1st one doing the 1st dance etc, and the second one was last minute as their photographer had phoned them last weekend and said they couldn't turn up, so luckily It was a late wedding and I covered the main parts of their day until cutting of the cake.  After that I was off to photograph Jackies 50th birthday party at shotton very very busy day. Today I have been doing Hardwick Wedding Open Day today. I Took delivery of a new camera or should i say Elaine did on Saturday it's still in the box yet. Took this when I got home deliberately silhouetting the photo and adding grain for the old film effect
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. Tuned black and white and HP5 setting.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/800 seconds exposure. 

Day 259 of my 365 Project 2017
Jo and Chris Wedding
This is a photo from Jo and Chris's Lovely wedding at Hardwick Hall. It rained quite a lot today and we had to take a lot of photos inside, But we managed to get out for a few during the day in between showers.
Taken with Canon 6d 
Details f4.5 ISO 200 1/500 sec exposure.

Day 258 of my 365 Project 2017
I have been covering the Learning Curve Charity Las Vegas in aid of The Northeast Air Ambulance. Took another selfie with Nicole the selfie queen 
Taken with Samsung Galaxy S7

Day 257 of my 365 Project 2017
Holly Berries.
It looks like we are in for a bad winter as the old tale goes our Holly tree is covered in berries already. Took this tonight about 5pm just after having Bailey out 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f2.8 ISO 1600 1/750 seconds exposure. 

Day 256 of my 365 Project 2017
The Bark House Mountain Base Hut.
I have been over Cumbria today and had every weather apart from snow, Brilliant sunshine, torrential rain, hailstones and wind.
Saw this little place and loved the look of it. 
The Bark House was originally used to store oak bark before it was sent to the Keswick tannery. But no longer, as tanneries across the country have been closing down over the past 100 years. In the sixties it was used by the Scouts to sleep in.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/70 seconds exposure. 

Day 255 of my 365 Project 2017
Dark Rainy Night in Stockton.
Haven't been far today printed and framed all the photos from Hardwick Live ready to be hung in Hardwick Hall. Tonight I have been out delivering a wedding album and had a ride about to do a photo. I have seen this bridge loads of times before but the light hasn't been right until tonight, It pouring with rain and low cloud set the scene exactly for what I wanted to portray, an old black and white movie like "Waterloo Bridge" I just love this photo.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. Tuned black and white and HP5 setting.
Details f11 ISO 200 2 seconds exposure. 

Day 254 of my 365 Project 2017
Durham Market Place.
Took this of the 3rd Marquess of Londonderry Horse statue and the the church steeple in the market place for a different point of view. I love the big blue sky and fluffy big white clouds, I just love Durham.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f4 ISO 200 1/3000 second exposure. 

Day 253 of my 365 Project 2017
Hartlepool Headland Steetley Pier
Elaine and I went out for a lovely sunday lunch today at Hardwick Hall, then we had a look down to Seaton for an ice cream. We called into hartlepool for some bits and pieces, then we went up to the headland, I left Elaine in the car while I had a little trek down to beach to take some photos of this lovely old pier, it's the 1st time I have been here so close up I loved it. Turned this photo black and white for the added atmosphere.  
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f14 ISO 400 1/60 second exposure. 

Day 252 of my 365 Project 2017
Rainy Day in Durham City 
Elaine and I went to Durham today as I have a weekend off for a change. We called into the market and got some new batteries into our watches by Mark Wilson, then went into Inshanghai for our lunch which was lovely first time we have been there. Called around near the boathouse on the way back to carpark it was teeming down and you can see it on the river in this photo I love this photo sums up british summer time I wouldnt want to live anywhere else. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f4.5 ISO 800 1/80 second exposure. 

Day 251 of my 365 Project 2017
Sunset Wild Flowers 
I have been out and about a bit today doing various things picking up frames etc also finishing off some editing from some ongoing jobs. Took this tonight I love the golden hour just before the sun goes completely down. I have no idea what type of flowers these are but they are very pretty and they were growing next to the road with all the other wild flowers the council have planted.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f4 ISO 800 1/1600 second exposure.

Day 250 of my 365 Project 2017
Traffic Trails in Durham City 
Called into Durham tonight as I had to pick something up so I thought about doing this photo. Its never stopped raining today over Cumbria and Elaine said I have brought it back with me. Parked up and took this photo of the traffic on another rainy night looking towards Gilesgate.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 26 second exposure. 

Day 249 of my 365 Project 2017
Raby Castle Carriage House. 
I love the olde world style of this photo with the cobbles and old brick walls, then the total contrast of the bright yellow buildings looking more like a mediterranean village. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f4 ISO 200 1/2400 exposure. 

Day 248 of my 365 Project 2017
Path to the Sky 
Took this photo this evening when I had the dogs on the pit heap the sky was weird it looked more like the scene from independance day when we were getting invaded. I used a graduated filter to darken the sky and saturated the colours.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f8 ISO 200 1/125 exposure. 

Day 247 of my 365 Project 2017
Rainy Night in Durham City 
I had a few odds and ends on today and updated my site a bit, still loads more to do. The weather has been pretty miserable all day so while out delivering some photos this evening I called into Durham and took this of photo of Sadler Street and I love all the colours ans reflections on the wet street.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 17 second exposure. 

Day 246 of my 365 Project 2017
Peacock Butterfly 
Popped out with the dogs a few times times today and took this photo of this beautiful butterfly. I also really pleased to say that I eventually caught editing all the weddings maybe a lie in till 9.00 am in morning as I have been in the office from 8.15am till 7pm today. We have also had another lovely 5 star review on my Grange Photography Facebook Page good day today..
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Provia Film Simulation. Macro Setting.
Details f16 ISO 500 1/60 exposure. 

Day 245 of my 365 Project 2017
Bailey, Lacy and Penny 
Today Ive had a day off from the office nearly finished Vicky and Phillips wedding photos hopefully should be done tomorrow night. But with wedding next week which is private so I cannot post anything they don't want anything online at all and I respect their wishes, also a bit corporate stuff I will soon be back editing.
Took this photo this evening you can see Lacy and Penny looking a Bailey as I'm trying to get his attention to take a photo of him looking it's hard these days as he's a deaf as a post.  
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation. 
Details f4 ISO 800 1/550 exposure. 

Day 244 of my 365 Project 2017
Alfie 1st Portrait 
Today i have been doing a 1st portrait shoot for Archie he is eight months old and can sit up love it when they are this old, i'm no real fan of the tiny baby photos as the children haven't developed any characteristics that make them unique little people. Alfie was an absolute treasure and will look forward to seeing him again when he is older.  
Taken with Canon 6d 
Details f5 ISO 200 1/500 sec exposure.