Tuesday, 1 August 2017

August Start of Month Eight Slow Down Year !!!

Start of August Year two of Another Project 365.
This year is really flying by start of month eight I can see this year flashing by too quickly. I dont know if it's doing this project but it seems to get quicker each year.
Here's a poem I love, this is Summer to me, 

The Song of Wandering Aengus. 

I went out to the hazel wood, 
Because a fire was in my head, 
And cut and peeled a hazel wand, 
And hooked a berry to a thread; 
And when white moths were on the wing, 
And moth-like stars were flickering out, 
I dropped the berry in a stream And caught a little silver trout. 

When I had laid it on the floor I went to blow the fire aflame, But something rustled on the floor, And someone called me by my name: 
It had become a glimmering girl With apple blossom in her hair Who called me by my name and ran And faded through the brightening air. 

Though I am old with wandering Through hollow lands and hilly lands, I will find out where she has gone, And kiss her lips and take her hands; And walk among long dappled grass, And pluck till time and times are done The silver apples of the moon, 
The golden apples of the sun. 
William Butler Yeats.

Day 243 of my 365 Project 2017
Sedgefield Ladies Day Race Meeting
I have been covering the ladies day again for Sedgefield Racecourse for the third year running it was really full and beautiful weather. Craig Charles was doing the live entertainment tonight and everyone had a good dance the atmosphere was brilliant really good day out. I will be posting all the photos later, but took this one today of second race and have chosen it for my photo of the day.
Taken with Canon 6d 
Details f5 ISO 400 1/1600 sec exposure.

Day 242 of my 365 Project 2017
Little Bridge Kirkby Stephen. 
Took this on the way home today from Cumbria. I have seen this bridge loads of times but could never pull over before but because it was late in the evening I managed to park .I climbed about a bit to get the shot but it was worth it very tranquil.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Provia Film Simulation. Details f8 ISO 200 1/220 exposure. 

Day 241 of my 365 Project 2017
Sunset Bales. 
Never stopped today I have been to Cumbria then a wedding open evening at Hardwick Hall Hotel, a big thank you to all brides and grooms that came to see me. I took this on the way home it was a very strange sky tonight weird in fact. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens 
Provia Film Simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 2000 1/50 exposure.

Day 240 of my 365 Project 2017
Bailey My Super Dog. 
Had a bit of a chill out day today, only have two weddings to do the final edits on and I hope to be finished by the weekend. I haven't been far today so took this of Bailey this afternoon on the pit heap while we were out for a walk. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens 
Provia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/160 exposure.

Day 239 of my 365 Project 2017
Sycamore Gap. 
Had a nice day today went to Metro and went into chinese for lunch, then had a bit of a mystery trip around the Hexham area.  Took this photo of sycamore gap on the way home. Love this view from a distance as it gives you the full perspective of the landscape a lone tree in the middle of nowhere with Hadrian's wall very close by on the left of picture. You need to look at it full scene for the full effect.
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens 
Provia Film Simulation.
Details f9 ISO 200 1/120 exposure.

Day 238 of my 365 Project 2017
Tree Fungus. 
Been a nice day today and lovely to get a day off !! Still have a load of editing to do but when while I was out with Bailey I noticed this old rotten branch covered in Fungus lifted it up into better light to get a photo such pretty patterns.
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. Macro Setting.
Details f4 ISO 800 1/150 exposure.

Day 237 of my 365 Project 2017
Claire De Lune. 
I called into Claire's Florist shop at Carrville Durham on the way home to get a bouquet of flowers for Elaine. I have been a bit of a grouch the last few days not enough sleep I think!!, maybe something to do with all the editing. Took this while Claire was surrounded with all the flowers for the 15 wedding that her and Stef are doing this weekend, yes I did say 15!!!
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Astia Film Simulation. Fill Flash.
Details f8 ISO 800 1/70 exposure.

Day 236 of my 365 Project 2017
Little Back Road to the Fells Kirkby Stephen. 
Took this on the way home today from Cumbria. I had 30 minutes to wait until I could get to see my next customer so I took the back road around Kirkby Stephen and took this of this lovely old road lined with dry stone walls, step back in time!!!
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Provia Film Simulation. Details f11 ISO 200 1/220 exposure. 

Day 235 of my 365 Project 2017
The Sage Gateshead. 
Had to go up to Newcastle on a little job today with Kim, called down the riverside to get a couple of photos of the quayside and took this of the Sage I love the rippled reflection in the Tyne. I have turned it black and white as the sky was very dark and drab today.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Provia Film Simulation. 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/60 exposure.

Day 234 of my 365 Project 2017
Old Garden Shed. 
Been in the office most of the day again editing weddings four of them !! Took this of an old broken down garden shed while I had Bailey out for a walk, this shed is next to the pit heap track, I have turned it sepia because it suits the subject.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Provia Film Simulation. 
Details f2.8 ISO 3200 1/60 exposure.

Day 233 of my 365 Project 2017
Hardwick Coleman Suite Ready for an Asian Wedding. 
I called over to Hardwick to drop off the images on disks this morning and the coleman was already set up for a wedding it looked beautiful. I know I wouldnt get another chance to take anymore photos today so this is my photo for today I know its a lot different to the weekend but its still the Hardwick. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens 
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f8 ISO 3200 1/80 exposure.

  Day 232 of my 365 Project 2017
Combine Harvester That Time of The Year. 
Never really stopped again today doing the editing from another brilliant Hardwick Live Weekend, I popped out for an hour today for some lunch took this on the way home it's behind the pit heap. I always think its the start of the end of summer for another year when you see the wheat being cut. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/160 exposure.

Day 231 of my 365 Project 2017
Ocean Colour Scene at Hardwick Live 
James and I have been doing Hardwick Live again today. Weather was brilliant and it was full again today with lots of new faces everyone enjoyed themselves.
Took this of Ocean Colour Scene who headlined the weekend, they opened up with the River Boat Song and sounded great, what a great atmosphere more photos later when edited looking forward to next year.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Pro Neg Hi Film Simulation. 
Details f4 ISO 3200 1/90 exposure.

Day 230 of my 365 Project 2017
Madness at Hardwick Live 
Kim and I have done another lovely wedding today at Matfen Hall for Vicky and Philip as soon as that finished. I got home for 4.30 pm all changed then off to Hardwick Live for the first of two days.
Took this while Madness was on stage they sounded brilliant you would think it was the records playing, what a great atmosphere more photos later when edited looking forward to tomorrow.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Pro Neg Hi Film Simulation
Details f2.8 ISO 1250 1/60 exposure.

Day 229 of my 365 Project 2017
Confetti From Above
Kim and I have been doing a lovely wedding today at Rockliffe Hall for Anna and Kate. I went back on the night to do their 1st dance and took this for their signature mount photograph. Kim and U have had a lovely with with them today it's been red hot nothing like the weather forecast.
Taken with Canon 6d 
Details f9 ISO 200 1/500 sec exposure.

Day 228 of my 365 Project 2017
Day out to Raby Castle.
Popped out this afternoon for our first visit to the Beautiful Raby Castle, we all had a lovely afternoon I went with Elaine and Kim. Kim came as the tour guide as she has been before and she love's old things that's why she like us!! Took this looking from gardens to the castle.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Provia Film Simulation. 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/400 exposure.

Day 227 of my 365 Project 2017
Day of the Triffids.
I haven't ventured far today to busy editing wedding got 5 on the go at the moment and another two this week and not forgetting Hardwick Live Friday and Saturday. Took Bailey out at about lunchtime and noticed this growing in our garden next to the Holly tree. I'm sure it wasnt there a couple of days ago but it must be two foot tall that's 60 cms to the kids, does anyone else have any ot these growing in their gardens ?? no idea what it is !!

Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. Macro Setting
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/2200 exposure.

Day 226 of my 365 Project 2017
Hardwick Live 2017 Build Up.
I called over to Hardwick Hall this evening to deliver some photos and called down the field where the preparations for Hardwick Live are well underway. This is getting very close now and I'm really looking forward to doing all the photos again this year. Theres still a few tickets left don't leave it too late to get yours!!!
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/220 exposure.

Day 225 of my 365 Project 2017
Old Elvet Durham.
Kim and I have been doing the lovely wedding of Amy and Adrian at St Edmund's Church Sedgefield then onto Beamish Hall. It was hard work today for Kim as she was also a bridesmaid too. I will post a couple later tonight. Weather has been lovely today more like what August should be took this while passing through Durham on the way home as Kim is doing the 1st dance for me.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Classic Chrome Film Simulation.
Details f4 ISO 200 1/750 exposure.

Day 224 of my 365 Project 2017
Bailey the Birthday Boy.
Up early to go over to the Sedgefield Show and took some photos of Daisy in her first horse show with Scampi, she did great and looked pretty as a picture. But my main little man is sixteen today!! So he got another squeaky cuddly toy and treats I don't think he was very keen on his little hat and rosette
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Provia Film Simulation.
Details f2.5 ISO 1600 1/450 exposure.

Day 223 of my 365 Project 2017
Backlit Sycamore Leaf.
Kim and I have been doing a lovely wedding at Trimdon Village Church then onto Bowburn Hall I will post a couple later. Weather was very changeable took this when I had Bailey out. It's a big day tomorrow for him he's sweet sixteen he will have to be my photo of the day tomorrow.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5 ISO 800 1/900 exposure.

Day 222 of my 365 Project 2017
Angel of the North.
I have been over Cumbria again today the weather was quite nice, I was diverted to Silloth love it it reminds me of many childhood holidays. So came home along the A69 to Newcastle for a change and the sun was really bright so turned off to the Angel to get this photo. Love the three people for scale and the sun causing the flare from under the wing 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. Graduated Filter.
Details f10 ISO 200 1/750 exposure.

Day 221 of my 365 Project 2017
Ripon Canal Boat.
I have been down to Yorkshire today and took this while I was at Ripon. I called around the canal boatyard and revisited the area where I have took a photo before it was so peaceful there today. The weather has been lovely in yorkshire and it makes a change to going Cumbria. Turned this black and white for the more timeless feel.  
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/160 exposure.

Day 220 of my 365 Project 2017
Newby Bridge.
I have been over Cumbria today the weather was quite nice took this at Newby Bridge of the weir on the way home. People were sitting outside basking in the sunshine I got half way home and the heavens opened and it's still raining, who said it always rains at the lakes!!!
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/180 exposure.

Day 219 of my 365 Project 2017
Big Sky.
Took this tonight when I was Out with Bailey I haven't been very far from toe loft office today. Very busy with all the wedding have another two this weekend, Two next week and Hardwick Live today too, busy busy see you in september lol...
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/2500 exposure.

Day 218 of my 365 Project 2017
Portrait of Harriet.
Took this to this afternoon of my friends little girl he called round to see us with Harriet as Elaine hadn't met her before. I only used window light for this portrait I have turned it black and white to give it a timeless look. 

Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Provia Film Simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/90 exposure.

Day 217 of my 365 Project 2017
Sunset Poppy  .
Kim and I have been doing a lovely wedding today at Hardwick Hall for Kayleigh and Craig. I went back on the night to do their 1st dance and took this on the way home at the roundabout near Sedgefield roundabout pulled over and noticed how all the lovely wild flowers were backlit by the setting sun picked out this lone poppy. 
Taken with Canon 6d Flash Gun for Fill Light
Details f9 ISO 400 1/250 sec exposure.

                  Day 216 of my 365 Project 2017
Sunset Wind Turbines Town Kellow Road .
Kim and I have been doing a lovely wedding today at Shotton Hall for Charlotte and Chris. I went back on the night to do their 1st dance and took this on the way home at the wind turbine station. I noticed this the other night when I took the road photo it was another beautiful sunset tonight. I have also posted a photo of their wedding on my facebook page.
Taken with Canon 6d 
Details f13 ISO 125 1/60 sec exposure.

Day 215 of my 365 Project 2017
Took this tonight when I was over the pit heap with Bailey the sun was splitting the trees best it's been all day, there's a little insect on one of the flowers there was loads of them flying around no idea what they were.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.Macro Setting.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5 ISO 800 1/250 exposure.

Day 214 of my 365 Project 2017
Sunset Straw Bales.
Took this tonight when I was driving home after another wedding booking for next year going to be busy !!!. Took this on the top road looking towards Coxhoe. I just love the sunset flares on this used a grad filter on sky and a polariser and fill flash from camera
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 400 1/640 exposure.

Day 213 of my 365 Project 2017
View of a Bridge.
Well August 1st where's this year going. I took Elaine Kim and Daisy to Middlesbrough today I dropped them off for a bit of shopping and I had a bit of peace for a hour or two. I have taken a photo of the Temenos Sculpture before but not with the view with the Transporter Bridge in the background. Its best viewed at full screen Love the black sky and fluffy clouds used a red filter 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 1/220 exposure.