Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Month Three March this year needs to slow down

Day 090 of my 365 Project 2017
Wynyard Hall May Tree.
Called over to Wynyard Hall today to check out what I would and wouldn't be able to do and see what other functions were on ready for tomorrow's photo job great news!! Got ever better coming out through the grounds when I saw this beautiful May tree next to a blanket of daffodils, lovely blue sky and big white fluffy clouds what more could you ask for.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f8 ISO 200 1/1500 sec exposure.

Day 089 of my 365 Project 2017
Keswick Hotel.
Been over Cumbria today and it has rained non stop one of the worst days I have known over there. Turned this black and white because it fitted the mood of the weather better. Took this while I was waiting to meet Paul to give him a hand on our last job.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f4 ISO 400 1/140 sec exposure.

Day 088 of my 365 Project 2017
New Car Day.
Well, Elaine got her lovely new car today, and as they old saying goes you will definitely see her coming in this. What's is better now she will be able to park in the drive at back of house instead of parking fifty yards away. Names suggestions needed.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f8 ISO 200 1/110 sec exposure.

Day 087 of my 365 Project 2017
Pendragon Castle Ruin.
Today the weather has been pretty poor all day, been over Cumbria and took this on the way home near Kirkby Stephen never seen this before this ruin of Pendragon Castle built in the late 12th century, you can just see the hazy sun trying to break through and the fells in the distance.
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f6.4 ISO 200 1/200 sec exposure.

Day 086 of my 365 Project 2017
Afternoon Tea Hardwick Hall.
I have been to Hardwick today doing some more photos of conference set ups in the newly decorated coleman suite. I also did this little set up of their lovely afternoon china tea service in the entrance to the main lounge area where you can sit and watch the world go by.
Taken with Canon 6D with 17-40mm L @36 mm.
Details f4 ISO 200 1/2000 secs exposure.

Day 085 of my 365 Project 2017
Old Steam Loco.
Called over to shildon railway museum there was a steampunk and vintage fair on this weekend, there was loads of star wars and sci fi items for sale ever a few dressed up people, but took this photo of the one of the models the detail was incredible. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. 
Details f2 ISO 200 1/80 sec exposure.

Day 084 of my 365 Project 2017
Here comes Summer.
Here comes Summer as Jerry Keller would say .
A Lovely day today the sky was bright blue with high wispy clouds and a brilliant sun lovely and warm hope it keeps coming don't forget to turn your clocks forward one hour tonight.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. 

Details f9 ISO 200 1/1800 sec exposure.

Day 083 of my 365 Project 2017
Different View of Whitby.
Lovely day today had a nice ride out to Whitby. It was very busy so just had a ride through up to the Abbey and took a quick photo of the beautiful St Marys Church in the foreground looking back towards the whale bones on the west cliff, then continued over the moors and had a great day.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. Turned Black and White for the timeless look.
Details f16 ISO 200 1/80 sec exposure.

Day 082 of my 365 Project 2017
Seasonal Waterfall.
Well I managed to get to Cumbria today, and had a good look around as my first jobs were in Barrow then travelled via Ambleside to Wigton. There was a lot of snow on the tops but I found this beautiful waterfall not far from Ambleside that is normally just a trickle but was a great torrent of water at the moment because if all the melting snow.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 3/4 sec exposure.

Day 081 of my 365 Project 2017
Winter Wonderland in Spring.
Totally different day today, I was going to Cumbria but the A66 was closed to snow at Brough but the sat nav diverted me to go via Alston to Penrith, bad move the roads were terrible. I got nearly as far as Hartside Cafe but there were two wagons stuck in snow in front of me just before the top, so I turned around and give it up as a bad job. Took this near Nent Hall House on the way home.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f10 ISO 200 1/280 sec exposure.

Day 080 of my 365 Project 2017
Blowing in the Wind.
Well we have had snow storm 1st thing then out for a brilliant sunshine bright but very cold spring day the wind was quite strong and bitingly cold. The daffodils looked brilliantly colourful against the icy cold blue sky this afternoon when I took this photo.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 1/170 sec exposure.

Day 079 of my 365 Project 2017
Thatched Cottage.
Spring Equinox today weather was a bit changeable when i set off at 8am but got out lovely early afternoon. I was on my way home and noticed this lovely scene with the little river with a path in front of this beautiful house, I could quite easily live here.
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/320 sec exposure.

Day 078 of my 365 Project 2017
New Coleman Suite Hardwick Hall.
I have been doing the wedding open day at Hardwick Hall today, it's the first open day since the coleman suite has had a major refurbishment and it looks marvellous took this Panorama of three photos to show off how well it looks.
Taken with Canon 6D with 17-40mm L @30 mm.
Details f11 ISO 200 2 secs exposure.

Day 077 of my 365 Project 2017
Twilight Time at St Edmunds.
Called at Sedgefield on the way home tonight from another photo assignment at Hardwick Hall. Noticed how quiet Sedgefield was and the lack of parked cars and it was twilight with the church lights just starting to be visible lovely night even the clock chimed for 6pm 
Taken with Canon 6D with 17-40mm L @35 mm.
Details f14 ISO 100 0.80 sec exposure.

Day 076 of my 365 Project 2017
Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
I haven't been far today but took this of these lovely daffodils while out with Bailey for a walk. The weather been a bit manky, a bit of drizzle and cold but it is still March.  
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Pro Neg Hi Film Simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/180 sec exposure.

Day 075 of my 365 Project 2017
Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
I have been over Cumbria today the weather hasn't been the best but took this morning just before I got to Threlkeld , that is Blencathra in the distance behind the rainbow. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/40 sec exposure.

Day 074 of my 365 Project 2017
Lonely Tree.
Lovely Sunset again and I do love a good sunset, took this on the other side of West Cornforth, on the bypass. I love the way the gate is silhouetted against the field. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. Graduated Filter to enhance sky.
Details f11 ISO 250 1/100 sec exposure.

Day 073 of my 365 Project 2017
Slowmo Waterfall.
I have seen this little stream quite a few times but never stopped until today. Pulled over, risked life and limb to have a closer look, there was just enough water flow to give the look I was after so it is my photo of the day. Hope you like it.
Taken with FujiX100T with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 1 sec exposure.

Day 072 of my 365 Project 2017
Sunset Trimdon 'The V'.
Lovely Sunset tonight so headed off to the top of Trimdon top road to take this of the sun going down. I love the way the road looks as though it stops dead like its going off a cliff.
Taken with FujiX100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation. Graduated Filter to enhance sky.
Details f4 ISO 250 1/80 sec exposure.

Day 071 of my 365 Project 2017
Terra Novalis Sculpture.
Had a Sunday ride out to around Weardale and ended up near this sculpture just off the C2C route at Consett on the site of the old steel works. I was looking for somewhere to park the car when I get the bike out for a decent ride up to stanhope and back along the waskerley way.
Taken with FujiX100T with Std Lens.
Turned Black and White and added the Ilford HP5 simulation
Details f8 ISO 400 1/300 sec exposure.

Day 070 of my 365 Project 2017
Wet Holly Leaf.
Pretty miserable weather today never really got sunny at all, but it still wasn't too cold, I don't think we have really had a winter this time. Saw this holly leaf covered in raindrops while out with Bailey.
Taken with FujiX100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/25 sec exposure.

Day 069 of my 365 Project 2017
Guappo Staff Photo.
Called down at Guappo's for a haircut and took this staff photo, the girls were not happy as Phil didn't tell them I was popping in...
Guappo Hair Design was founded over 20 years ago by husband & wife creative team Phil and Sam Unsworth. Since then Guappo has developed into one of the region's leading salons and winning northeast salon of the year at the english hair and beauty awards 2014
Taken with Canon 6D with 24-105mm L @45 mm.
Details f4 ISO 640 1/160 sec exposure.

Day 068 of my 365 Project 2017
Whinlatter Fells Cumbria.
Glorious day over Cumbria today, took this on the road to Keswick. Diverted off the main drag because of roadworks and stumbled on this beautiful view. I love the sheep for the perspective it gives to the scene, also the different colours of the fells, trees and the lovely blue sky enhanced by the polarizing filter
Taken with FujiX100T with Std Lens.
Astia Film Simulation. Polarizing Filter
Details f6.4 ISO 200 1/105 sec exposure.

Day 67 of my 365 Project 2017
Portrait Shoot With Debbie and Tony at Whitworth Hall.
Today I have been doing portrait shoot with this lovely couple we first meet about nine years when I did their lovely wedding at Whitworth Hall. They have just been away on a fabulous holiday to the Maldives for Debbie's birthday and stayed at Whitworth Hall last night to finish it off before travelling home. 
I bumped into them about 3 months ago at Seaton and they asked me to do some photos of them again because they hadn't had any done since the wedding had a great laugh today time flies...
Taken with Canon 6D with 24-105mm L @82 mm.
Details f4 ISO 200 1/320 sec exposure.

Day 066 of my 365 Project 2017
St Edmunds Sedgefield.
Glorious sunrise bursting through the trees at St Edmund's Church this morning, I noticed the scene when i turn the black lion corner so pulled over to take the photo. I the love the light in this and the long shadows coming through the lych gate onto the seat summers on the way.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/250 sec exposure.

Day 065 of my 365 Project 2017
Storm Clouds.
A little stroll up the pit heap with Bailey this afternoon and loved the stormy cloud formations they work really well in black and white.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Classic Chrome Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 400 1/2200 sec exposure.

Day 64 of my 365 Project 2017
Holy Trinity Church Washington.
Today I have been doing the lovely Christening of Stacey and Dan little girl at The Holy Trinity Church Washington Village, I did their wedding photos nearly three years ago at close house and Stacey said she would be in touch when the christening comes up so really i have been booked for this over two years good forward planning I would say. 
Taken with Canon 6D with 24-105mm L @32 mm.
Details f7.1 ISO 320 1/640 sec exposure.

Day 063 of my 365 Project 2017
Hartlepool Marina.
Weather had picked up quiet nicely by 2pm when I was down Hartlepool. I called around the marina as they have now knocked down old shopping centre, so there is a new view towards the Trincomalee I couldnt resist this the old and new in the same shot love the reflections on the water of the masts and hazy sun. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Classic Chrome Film Simulation.
Details f10 ISO 200 1/280 sec exposure.

Day 062 of my 365 Project 2017
School Path Revisited.
Weather been pretty dismal all day being over Cumbria so took this tonight when I got home under an umbrella love the warm light from the lights and the reflections on the wet path. Last year when I took this it was very foggy and I sepia toned it (day 21)
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Classic Chrome Film Simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 800 3/4 sec exposure.

Day 061 of my 365 Project 2017
Blanket of Snow Drops.
Ventured up on to Pit Heap with Bailey this afternoon for one of his many walks he is getting more demanding the older he gets, every time I go near the door he thinks he has to come with me. Today I noticed all these snowdrops, I haven't noticed them before and I always go the same way but there's normally loads of nettles growing at this point.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Astia Film Simulation.
Details f4 ISO 200 1/100 exposure.

Day 060 of my 365 Project 2017
Silhouetted Car park.
Well March the 1st where's this year going. So I ventured out for a loaf of bread and some milk feeling a bit better today at least I haven't been sick. I loved the sun going down causing the silhouetting of the parking shelter and the long shadows in the supermarket carpark. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/4700 - 1.75 stop exposure.