Monday, 1 August 2016

Start of August Month Eight with one of my favorite songs.

This year is really flying but I cannot say it any better than Paul Simon using the song lyrics of 'April she will Come' 
one of my favorite songs.

I am still really enjoying doing my Project 366 it has been very challenging at times but very rewarding too, I love all the comments and likes which I receive daily on Facebook which really drives me on everyday. Seven months down five to go.

Day 244 of my 366 Project 
Path in the woods Trimdon Grange.
Took this photo today while out with Bailey for a little walk, it's lovely path through the trees very tranquil and quiet. Last day of August and the weather has been warm but changeable this year is definitely flying by. Let see what September brings us. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Details f5.6 ISO 800 1/400 sec exposure.

Day 243 of my 366 Project 
BR Fairburn 42073 Steam Engine.
Took this photo today while over Cumbria of the Haverthwaite to Lakeland Railway line. Took this as it the train was pulling into Lakeside railway station. The train was packed with loads of holidaymakers and excited children. I personally think the railways have lost a lot . 
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Ilford HP5 Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/80 sec exposure.

Day 242 of my 366 Project 
Sunset Pylons.
Took this photo tonight, p.s I love Pylons.. I love the silhouette of the pylons against the setting sun and the deep blue sky and the lovely clouds looking a bit like cotton wool. It's been another lovely day with the temp being about 22c this afternoon.
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/1500 sec exposure.

Day 241 of my 366 Project 
Hardwick Park Stone Bridge.
Took this photo tonight while it was the golden hour, and I was doing a lovely wedding at Hardwick Hall. Ive been busy today doing the beautiful wedding of Fiona and Steven. The weather has been very changeable today but we did get five minutes of sun during the photos during the day but it was lovely on the night. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 400 1/320 sec exposure.

Day 240 of my 366 Project 
First Signs of Autumn Coming.
Took this photo tonight while out with Bailey on the pit heap for a walk. It looks like autumn is coming early this year not ever september, yet and the leaves are starting to change already there's also lots of red berries on the trees and as Elaine would say we must be going to get a bad winter.
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f4 ISO 800 1/350 sec exposure.

Day 239 of my 366 Project 
Nateby Landscape.
Took this photo this afternoon on the way home, love the dry stone wall and the minimalistic style of the landscape with tiny trees and sheep, this photo was taken just outside of Kirkby Stephen, weather has been lovely again today.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Astia Film Simulation, 
Details f16 ISO 200 1/140 sec exposure.

Day 238 of my 366 Project 
Sedgefield Racecourse Bookies.
Went to Sedgefield races today for the annual ladies day, weather was pretty abysmal for the day, took this photo of the bookies while everyone were rushing to get their bets on.  
Taken with Fuji X100T with Std Lens. 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Fuji Acros Film Simulation.
Details f3.6 ISO 640 1/60 sec exposure.

Day 237 of my 366 Project 
Transport Bridge Abstract.
Took Kim and Elaine to Middlesbrough today, while they were in there shopping I had a look around and saw this scene of the Transporter Bridge through the remains of a large old wall on Vulcan Road. Love it in black and white. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with  Std Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Fuji Acros Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/240 sec exposure.

Day 236 of my 366 Project 
Whinlatter Pass towards Skiddaw Cumbria.
Took this photo this morning while over Cumbria I was on the top of the Whinlatter Pass on the back road around to Cockermouth lovely day over Cumbria again at 24 degrees. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/450 sec exposure. 

Day 235 of my 366 Project 
Horses Grazing Mill Horse Riding School.
What an awful start today the rain was like stair rods this morning when I dropped Daisy off at the riding school. Returned this afternoon to pick her up and the sun was splitting the trees took this off the horses grazing.
Taken with Fuji X100T with  Std Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Pan F simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 200 1/4700 sec exposure.

Day 234 of my 366 Project 
Newcastle Quayside.
Took Kim and Elaine up to a wedding fair at the Biscuit Factory Newcastle today, while they were in I had a look around and saw this scene to include the Baltic, Millennium Bridge and the Sage Centre. Love the way it goes in Black and White that with the colour removed you just see the architecture.
Taken with Fuji X100T with  Std Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Delta 100 Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/340 sec exposure.

Day 233 of my 366 Project 
Rainy Day Trimdon Grange.
What an awful day to day really pleased I wasn't doing a wedding feel sorry for them photographers that are!! Have caught up with all my editing from the last weddings so quite pleased. Took this photo today while out with Bailey shielded under a brolly for this picture there was one taken similar to this at the turn of last century. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with  Std Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Tri X film simulation.
Details f4 ISO 200 1/180 sec exposure.

Day 232 of my 366 Project 
 Hartlepool's Old Cooperative Building.
Took this photo today while Elaine was shopping, it's an arty slow shutter speed shot so you can see the movement in the traffic. Weather has been drab today not at all like August.
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/9 sec exposure.

Day 231 of my 366 Project 
Sedbergh Landscape.
Took this photo today while over cumbria the weather was dodgy first thing but got out lovely on the way home never seen the sky as clear for a couple of weeks love the farm track and the way it leads your eye into the photo. Four upright photos stitched together in photoshop.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Details f16 ISO 200 1/120 sec exposure.

Day 230 of my 366 Project 
Farmer John Armstrong.
Took this photo tonight while I was out with Bailey, notice they had started to combine the oilseed at the top of our street. I have known John for as long as I can remember and doesn't seem to have aged at all couldn't resist taking his portrait because he is such a character.
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/800 -0.33 sec exposure.

Day 229 of my 366 Project 
Looking towards Skiddaw Cumbria.
Took this photo this afternoon while over Cumbria I was near Applethwaite on the back road around Bassenthwaite not very often do you see the sky as clear as it was today lovely weather too at 24 degrees. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/160 sec exposure. 

Day 228 of my 366 Project 
Sea of Thistles.
Took this photo this afternoon at Hardwick Park Car park there were loads of theses flowers I got prickled a couple of times, been another lovely day. I love the way the sun is backlighting all the flowers.
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens.
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f7.1 ISO 200 1/680 sec exposure. 

Day 227 of my 366 Project 
Green Arrow Train at Shildon.
Called into Shildon Museum today there was a sale of model railway sets and the like quite a few people there. Took this but I waited for a lone person to be next to the engine for the scale, modern trains just don't have the same appeal.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation.
Details f2.8 ISO 1600 1/100 sec exposure.

Day 226 of my 366 Project 
Billingham Folk Festival.
Called into Billingham today to pick up something from Argos and found out the festival was on saw a few different dance troupes from different countries. I took this one of the Korean Dances they were playing some weird music sounded a bit Vulcan as Spock would say from Star trek. See more photos here from today on my Fuji Blog Billingham Folk Festival
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/1000 sec exposure.

Day 225 of my 366 Project 
Happy Birthday Bailey 15 yrs old today.
Took this photo today of my best little mate 'Bailey' our family pet. He is 15 yrs old today and for that reason I think he needs to be my photo of the day because in dog years he is about 75 years old.
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation.
Details f4 ISO 800 1/150 sec exposure.

Day 224 of my 366 Project 
Lake District near Ambleside on A591.
Took this photo today while over cumbria the weather has been rain and more rain all day love the cloudy gloomy sky of this photo with the mist rolling down took on high iso to get more noise in the photo to look like grain on old black and white film.
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation.and antique toned.
Details f5.6 ISO 1600 1/6000 sec exposure.

Day 223 of my 366 Project 
Harap Road.
Bit of a strange day today, weather not good after lunch. Took this tonight while out delivering to customers love the long straight wet road 
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Tmax film simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 1600 1/140 sec exposure.

Day 222 of my 366 Project 
Roundthwaite Near Tebay.
Took this on the way back from Kendal to Tebay on the old A6 road overlooking the M6. I love the view from here looking over to Roundthwaite. This is a panoramic of six upright photos joined with photoshop.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 1/70 sec exposure.

Day 221 of my 366 Project 
Pit heap Flowers.
Took this photo tonight while out with Bailey on the pit heap. I have been editing all day after the the two lovely weddings at the weekend, lovely light this evening, I love the way it was backlighting the flowers.
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 

Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f4.5 ISO 200 1/220 sec exposure.

Day 220 of my 366 Project 
 Hartlepool Headland.
Took this photo today while we went out for a sunday ride took this at the headland lovely little beach and coast scene love the single gull in the middle of the photo. It has been a lovely day again with the weather being in the 20s once more but the wind was up today.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/350 sec exposure.

Day 219 of my 366 Project 
 Pylon Sunset.
Took this photo today while coming home from another lovely wedding at Hardwick Hall. It has been a lovely day again with the weather being in the 20s once more. Took this about 9 pm, I love a good sunset.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/100 sec exposure.

Day 218 of my 366 Project 
 Hedgerow Plant.
Took this photo today while coming home from a lovely wedding at Headlam Hall, it has been a lovely day and the weather was a hot 25 degrees when i took this about 3.30 pm. Not sure what plant it is possible some type of Thistle but I'm sure someone will tell me and I will amend the title.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f14 ISO 200 1/120 sec exposure.

Day 217 of my 366 Project 
 Grange Over Sands Railway Station.
Took this photo today while over cumbria I dont often get to Grange over Sands. It was a beautiful day and passed right next to beautiful railway station opened in 1857 and a total restoration in the 1990's. There was a rare parking place for me to pop out a take a photo, you can see the sea in the background at this lovely location.
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/400 sec exposure.

Day 216 of my 366 Project 
Haverthwaite Station.
Took this photo today while over cumbria this was very busy today as the schools off and there is a little steam train running now and again. This station reminds me a bit of the Railway Children film bit bigger. It was a bit wet and cloudy there.
Taken with Fuji X100T with STD Lens. 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation.and antique toned.
Details f4.5 ISO 200 1/600 -0.33 sec exposure.

Day 215 of my 366 Project 
Police Lantern.
Took this tonight, have seen it a few times but it was always too light to take it, with the night darkening now, too soon I know.
Weather been warm but overcast all day. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens. 

Classic Chrome Film Simulation, 
Details f2 ISO 3200 1/20 sec exposure.

Day 214 of my 366 Project 
August 1st Daisy and Libby.
Took a quick photo of my grand daughter Daisy and one of her friends Libby today.   
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation.and antique toned.
Details f2 ISO 200 1/1700 sec exposure.