Sunday, 1 May 2016

May is here start of Month Five

Well I'm starting the fifth month of my 366 project it is becoming quite a labour of love and time. Until now I know we always talk about the weather but this year it has been pretty poor and I have never realised until now how long the tree's don't have any leaves on.

Day 152 of my 366 Project 
Neptune Hardwick Hall.  
Took this this tonight while I was at the wedding open evening, weather has been more like november today rather than the last day of may...
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation. Red Filter
Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/110 sec exposure.

Day 151 of my 366 Project 
Windmills Town Kelloe Road.  
Took this this afternoon while I had Bailey out for a walk. I like the windmills and a lot of people don't want to see them on the horizon.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation. Red Filter
Details f11 ISO 200 1/250 sec exposure.

Day 150 of my 366 Project 
Francesca Portrait
I was booked to do a family shoot today with two little girls, we had a great time and Francesca and Charlotte and their parents. I grabbed a quick photo with the Fuji at the end of the session for my photo of the day.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Astia Film Simulation
Details f4 ISO 200 1/400 sec exposure.

Day 149 of my 366 Project 
Bowes Museum.
I was doing a wedding at this beautiful venue today, we had a great time and Karen and Andy . I grabbed a quick photo with the Fuji at the end of the wedding before we travelled to Hardwick Hall for the wedding reception for my photo of the day.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f4 ISO 200 1/210 sec exposure.

Day 148 of my 366 Project 
4 O'Clock with the Dandelions.  
Took this this afternoon up the pit heap while I had Bailey out for a walk. I even got down and wet on the grass to take the photo love the broody clouds and the field full of Dandelions.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation. Red Filter
Details f16 ISO 200 1/170 sec exposure.

Day 147 of my 366 Project 
Bailey My Best Friend.  
Took this tonight after I had been out hadn't seen much today and the weather has been overcast and raining again. Noticed Bailey lying on the cushions on the floor so got down to his level to take the photo
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation. Red Filter
Details f2.8 ISO 2000 1/60 sec exposure.

Day 146 of my 366 Project 
Elaine's Bird Box.  
Chucked it down most of the day but I took this tonight, this is in our garden in the holly tree, we have had regular visits from Goldfinches, Blue Tits and Chaffinches 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, 
Details f2.8 ISO 800 1/60 sec exposure.

Day 145 of my 366 Project 
Ashness Bridge Cumbria.  
Beautiful day today again took this photograph while I was over Cumbria. I got told about this place by a customer and popped along to have a look, another beautiful place that I didn't know existed.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, Polarising Filter
Details f8 ISO 400 1/120 sec exposure.

Day 144 of my 366 Project 
Backlit Maple Tree.  
Beautiful day today took this 50 yards from my house next to the pit heap. The summer is definitely coming now the trees are starting to burst with colour I love the light nights wish they did not alter the clocks anymore.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, 
Details f8 ISO 200 1/400 sec exposure.

Day 143 of my 366 Project 
Copse of Trees, Big Skies.  
Went out for a sunday ride around the wear valley today up to frosterley and back home via barnard castle took this just after Raby Castle of a copse of trees on the horizon I could see it raining over teesside and the big black clouds 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, Polarizing filter.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/240 sec exposure.

Day 142 of my 366 Project 
Sedgefield Medieval Fair May 21st.  
Well I ventured over to the yearly fair for 30 minutes this afternoon and it never failed to amaze me that once again it poured down, even the tug of war was cancelled but I did get to see the Morris Dances. All photographs are available to buy from the project to see the complete set go to my blog about the project here Project 366 Complete  
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, 
Silver Effect Pro using Acros film simulation. Yellow Filter
Details f4 ISO 200 1/200 sec exposure.

Day 141 of my 366 Project 
Dandelion Flower Head.  
It has been quite changeable today cloudy this morning and getting out lovely this afternoon.
Went for a little walk with Bailey over to Crystal Quarry this afternoon and saw the dandelions I love the look of it against the lovely blue sky and fluffy clouds. All photographs are available to buy from the project to see the complete set go to my blog about the project here Project 366 Complete  
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, 
Details f11 ISO 200 1/1250 -0.67 sec exposure.

Day 140 of my 366 Project 
St Hilda's Church Hartlepool Headland 
Took this while we were at Hartlepool today. Had a ride up to the headland to see the sea.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation.
Silver Effect Pro using Pan F film simulation. Red Filter
Details f11 ISO 200 1/170 sec exposure.

Day 139 of my 366 Project 
Wynyard Hall Bridge 
Took this while I was passing through Wynyard Hall today I have went for the Monet impressionistic look today by softening image on computer which I think suits the subject. There is some lovely scenery on our doorstep.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, 
Details f8 ISO 200 1/80 sec exposure.

Day 138 of my 366 Project 
Millennium Bridge 
Took this while we were at Stockton today. Big white fluffy clouds and blue skies definitely calls for black and white.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, Polarising Filter
Silver Effect Pro using Fuji Acros film simulation. Red Filter
Details f8 ISO 200 1/320 sec exposure.

Day 137 of my 366 Project 
Oilseed Rape Field Trimdon Grange
Haven't been far apart from the physio to sort my backache. 
Took this tonight when having a little walk with Bailey it's been lovely weather today and couldn't resist taking this of the field.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/900 sec exposure.

Day 136 of my 366 Project 
Sedgefield Cricket Match.
My project wouldn't have been complete without a ever so english cricket match in a beautiful setting, looks like summer is definitely coming when you see this.
Taken with Fuji X100T with TCL Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/450 sec exposure.

Day 135 of my 366 Project 
May Trees at Hardwick Hall.
These 'May' trees look gorgeous every year and really enhance the driveway into the grounds of Hardwick Hall. Mrs Adams told me how her and her late husband had planted many years ago and always remind her of that time.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, Polarising filter
Details f7.1 ISO 200 1/280 sec exposure.

Day 134 of my 366 Project 
Rowing Boats Durham City.
Went into Durham this morning and had a quick walk along the river bank and found all the boats out ready for hire next to the Boathouse at Elvet Bridge. 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/60 sec exposure.

Day 133 of my 366 Project 
Red Tulip.
While out delivering photos today I noticed this lone flower in the sunlight, got down to take a photo and got more than I bargained for with a squirrel having a poop and the back of my trousers from the trees above. Well they do say Sh*t for luck dont they.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, macro setting on lens.
Details f8 ISO 800 1/300 sec exposure.

Day 132 of my 366 Project 
Brougham Castle 
Took this today on the way home from Penrith, would have loved to see it in it's hayday 
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, Polarising Filter
Silver Effect Pro using Pan F film simulation. Red Filter
Details f8 ISO 200 1/210 sec exposure.

Day 131 of my 366 Project 
Bluebell Wood
Stumbled upon this beautiful bluebell wood today on my travels.
Lovely sunshine leaves on the trees what more do you want.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f11 ISO 200 1/80 sec -0.33 exposure.

Day 130 of my 366 Project 
Tree Avenue 
Loved this straight avenue of trees when I saw this a couple of years ago, revisited today and wanted to do a haunting black and white of it.
Taken with Fuji X100T with WCL Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.Polarising Filter
Silver Effect Pro using Pan F film simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 1/60 sec exposure.

Day 129 of my 366 Project 
Clover Portrait
I was booked to do a family shoot today with this little girl, we had a great time and Clover and her parents she was a great little model. I grabbed a quick photo with the Fuji at the end of the session for my photo of the day.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation, fill in on board flash
Details f2.8 ISO 200 1/950 sec exposure.

Day 128 of my 366 Project 
Austin Healey's
While I was doing a beautiful wedding today at Headlam Hall, there was a meeting of a Austin Healey club couldn't resist taking this photo what beautiful cars for my photo of the day, they don't make like this anymore
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/600 sec exposure.

Day 127 of my 366 Project 
My Favorite Tree
This is always the last tree in the field to get it's leaves and the first to lose them. But when it does bloom it looks lovely I always know when I see it i'm nearly home.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Classic Chrome Film Simulation.
Silver Effect Pro using Pan F film simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/320 sec exposure.

Day 126 of my 366 Project 
St Lawrence's Bridge Appleby
In Appleby this afternoon delivering an A2 Block Board Portrait so took this beautiful scene of the River Eden while I was there turned it black and white for the timeless feel to it after all the bridge was built in 1888-89.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation, Polarising Filter
Silver Effect Pro using Pan F film simulation.
Details f5.6 ISO 200 1/200 sec exposure.

Day 125 of my 366 Project 
Evening Walk
Took this tonight when having a little walk with Bailey its been lovely weather today and couldn't resist taking this old farm track again with the oil seed rape coming through and the lens flare make it for me.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Velvia Film Simulation.
Details f16 ISO 200 1/340 sec exposure.

Day 124 of my 366 Project 
Train Wheels York
In York this afternoon and saw these wheels outside the National Railway Museum so they are my photo for today.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation.
Silver Effect Pro using Fuji acros film simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/800 sec exposure.

Day 123 of my 366 Project 
Swan at Penshaw.
Popped out this afternoon to go and have a look at the Traction Engine Rally at Penshaw but it had been cancelled by the looks of it so grabbed this photo of a swan while I was there with the monument in the background.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation.
Details f8 ISO 200 1/320 sec exposure.

Day 122 of my 366 Project 
Dan & Daughter.
I was on a family portrait shoot today, while doing the various family groups and waiting for people to get ready I took this photo of Dan and his daughter. I love the Fuji for photos like this.
Taken with Fuji X100T with Standard Lens. 
Provia Film Simulation.
Silver Effect Pro using Fuji acros film simulation.
Details f2 ISO 200 1/18 sec exposure.